School Information
Contact the school/preschool by phone or email to make an appointment for a pre-enrolment interview and complete the appropriate registration of interest page. Once an enrolment has been reviewed by school leadership, it will be processed to ensure we have all the correct details and sufficient vacancies or supports to best accommodate your child/ren. A pre-enrolment interview will be held prior to commencement to best support placement.
As part of the enrolment process, applications will need to provide the following:
- Proof of residence
- Birth certificate or International Travel Documents (Passport)
- Visa grant notification
- Visa details if not a permanent resident (the following sub classes will require a Letter of Confirmation/ Letter of Authority from International Education Services to enrol in a State Government School and may incur additional fees: Sub Class 500; School sector, Higher Education, Foreign Affairs or Defence Sector, Vocational Education & Training, Postgraduate Research sector, ELICOS, 600, 601,651).
- 457 and 482 visa holders are required register with the Temporary Resident Program (contact email:
The following websites may be of assistance
Starting Pre School Starting Preschool with Department for Education
Starting School Starting School with the Department for Education
For information regarding Children’s Centre enrolments (Preschool & Occasional Care) please visit Lake Windemere Children’s Centre
Reception Placement Register of Interest Form
(PDF Document)
Year 1-6 Register of Interest Form
(PDF Document)
Parent Information
Starting School Brochure
(coming soon)
Canteen Price List
(PDF, 877KB)
Uniform Price List
(PDF, 247KB)
School Chaplaincy Services
(coming soon)

External Service Providers
Lake Windemere welcomes student access to therapies that supports inclusion and engagement at school. Please see the parent information document for more information about how to organise access to your child’s service providers at school.
Parent Information
(PDF Document)
Parent Request Form
(PDF Document)
License Agreement
(PDF Document)
Services Schedule
(PDF Document)
More information coming soon.
Allied Health Providers
Lake Windemere B-6 School allows for select providers to work with students on site, if it supports the learning and engagement of students in an educational setting.
If your child has Allied Health providers who would like to work with them at school they must email to commence this process. They will be prompted to provide a variety of clearances and documentation to support their application to work on site prior to approval and booking.
Please be aware Lake Windemere B-6 School has strict policies and processes allowing for Allied Health providers to work on site that align with Department for Education procedures.
Student Wellbeing and Engagement
More information coming soon.
Governing Council
The Governing Council’s role is to:
Set broad directions for the school in conjunction with the site leader. This may include the school vision, statement of purpose, and school values which focus on improving child/student learning.
Develop broad directional policy statements that assist the pre/school to achieve its vision and broad direction
Initiate and approve recommendations and strategies (whilst conforming to government policy, industrial agreements, DfE policy and direction and site decision making structures).
Governing Council is an elected body of parents that meet twice a term to represent the wider school community. They work with the Principal and Director around matters of ‘governance’ in the preschool and school.
Things that cover ‘governance’ include:
- Reviewing current school polices (eg- Anti-bullying, Sun-safe, grievance procedures etc.)
- Fundraising for our students (your children) so we can continually improve our facilities/ equipment (FUNdraising committee)
- Oversight of the schools Learning Improvement plans
- Oversight of our sites finances
Student Leadership
Students are provided with a range of opportunities to develop skills of leadership, organisation and compassionate citizenship. These include student action teams, house captains, presenting at assembly, courtesy students roles, tour guides, class buddies, cross age tutoring programs and as part of student forums on issues such as school uniform design and developing the school values.

Sports Day House Captains
Lake Windemere students have the opportunity to become Sports Day Captains for Sports Day. All year 6 and 7 students must write an application describing themselves as a learner, their relationships with peers, staff and school community, their behavior in class and the year and lastly why they should be chosen as a captain. The Sports Day Committee read all applications sent through by our students and select captains. Sports Day Captains must demonstrate strong leadership, commitment to the school values and represent their team. The house captains represent the following school houses;
Tangku (snake) – red
Nakulda (shark) – green
Tuparra (lizard) – blue
Pila (eagle) – yellow
School Policies & Procedures
Attendance Policy
(PDF, 877KB)
Behaviour Support Policy
(PDF, 276KB)
Bullying Policy
(PDF, 249KB)
Complaint Management Policy
(PDF, 249KB)
Cyberbullying Policy
(PDF, 247KB)
Emergency Management Plan
(PDF, 247KB)
Personal Devices Policy
(PDF, 182KB)
Right to disconnect – Communication protocol
(PDF, 182KB)
SunSmart Policy
(PDF, 149KB)
Uniform Policy
(PDF, 432KB)
We believe that voluntary workers can make a significant contribution to the school community by giving their time and sharing their skills and expertise with others. Volunteers may have a wide range of interests and abilities that complement school programs, thus providing a wider range of interactions and experiences for students.
Volunteers will be assessed for their suitability to work at the school. This assessment will be made in relation to the skills and contributions being offered.
Sequence of Steps for Volunteers
1. Make contact with the school to ascertain school needs re volunteers
2. Provide documentation for the criminal history check
3. Attend the Orientation meeting
4. Sign agreement form

QKR! App
School payments including lunch orders, school uniforms, school fees and excursions can all be paid by the QKR app. Please click on link for instructions for downloading.
QKr! - How to Canteen
(PDF, 276KB)
QKr! - How to make Payments
(PDF, 276KB)