Children’s Centre
Lake Windemere B-6 School Children’s Centre is located on Holstein Drive Salisbury North
Our opening times are 8.00am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday
We support the development and wellbeing of you, your child, and your family. Our centre brings together care, education, health, community development and family services, combined with family and community partnerships. We will work with you to achieve the best possible learning, health and wellbeing outcomes.
There are many opportunities for you and your family to connect with our centre. We encourage you to get involved with the programs and services we offer.
Some of the Services our Children’s Centre offers:
In South Australia, ‘preschool’ and ‘kindergarten’ are the same. Children can attend preschool the year before they start school. Aboriginal children and children in care can access preschool from 3 years of age.
Going to preschool has a big impact on your child’s learning and development. Through play-based learning, your child is building important social, emotional and thinking skills to help them thrive.
At Lake Windemere Children’s Centre we offer two groups for our Preschool sessions:
- Group 1
Monday 8:45am-2:45am, Wednesday 8:45am-2:45pm and Thursday 8:45am-11:45am - Group 2
Tuesday 8:45am-2:45pm,Thursday 12:00-3:00pm and Friday 8:45am-2:45pm
If you would like to register your interest for Preschool enrolment you can phone, visit us or follow the Department for Education link below for the forms required and additional information
Lake Windemere Children’s Centre is one of eight early childhood settings within the metropolitan area that incorporates an Intensive Speech and Language Program.
The Speech and Language Program has a maximum of seven children in each program and provides a high level of support to children with severe specific speech and/or language impairments. It aims to strengthen children’s communication and social interaction skills within an inclusive preschool setting in conjunction with the involvement and support of each child’s family. Children who meet eligibility criteria are referred by Speech Pathologists to an intake panel, who meet on a regular basis to consider referrals, placements and program vacancies. The Speech and Language Program staff plan individual goals for each child and these are implemented in a range of settings within the Preschool.
Please see the Department for Education link below for additional information
Preschool speech and language program referral information (
Occasional care is sessional occasional child care for babies, toddlers and children under school age. The Department for Education Occasional Care services are targeted to support children who are not accessing alternative early childhood education and care programs, including preschool, a child care centre or family day care. It enables parents to participate in a range of activities (including non-work and casual work), by booking their child/children into occasional care.
First priority of access is given to children:
- under the guardianship of the minister
- at risk of serious abuse and neglect
- in Aboriginal families
- in families which include a person with a disability or health condition that impacts upon their parenting
- with a disability and/or additional needs
- in socially isolated families.
Second priority is given to low income families with an Australian Government Pensioner Concession or Health Care Card.
At Lake Windemere Children’s Centre we offer the following Occasional Care sessions:
- Under 2 year olds
Mondays and Thursdays 8.45am – 11.45am - Over 2 year olds
Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 8.45am – 11.45am
Thursday 12.00pm – 3.00pm
If you would like to register your interest for Occasional Care enrolment you can phone, visit us or follow the Department for Education link below for additional information
Occasional care for babies, toddlers and children under school age (
The Community Development program coordinates services to enhance parenting by supporting parents and their connection with their community. Activities vary depending on parent needs and may include:
- playgroups
- parenting programs
- community events
- personal development opportunities.
Each term we provide an timetable of programs and events that the centre is offering please contact us if you would like to speak to the Community Development Coordinator or you can follow our Facebook page
The Allied Health program builds the capacity of centre staff and parents in identifying children from birth to 3 years who are at risk of developmental delay. The program supports staff and parents in promoting children’s optimal development.
Allied Health staff are:
- Speech Pathologists, who assist with all aspects of communication including speech, language, literacy, signs, symbols and gestures and can also assist with issues around eating and drinking
- Occupational Therapists, who support children’s participation in and performance of daily activities involving the strengthening of play skills, fine and gross motor skills, concentration and self-regulation skills.
Please contact us if you would like to speak to our Allied Health Staff
More Information
Our Site Philosophy
(Coming soon)
Our Preschool Improvement Plan
(Coming soon)
Parent Information Booklet
(Coming soon)
Lake Windemere Children’s Centre Assessment and Rating
(Coming soon)